{{ ------------BEGIN THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}
{% assign: rider_name = "Matty Ryan" %}
{% assign: rider_bio = "Homewreck. From The Shit Sandwich to Silverlake, the ATL to SLC. A pack of American Spirits and two Tecates. Pair of Chucks and a denim jacket. David Guacabowie. A cruiser board and sunglasses. Black Lips in the earbuds and an empty road ahead." %}
{% assign: rider_image = "http://cdn.snowboarding.transworld.net/wp-content/blogs.dir/442/files/sia_final/IMG_7946.jpg" %}
{% assign: rider_image2 = "" %}
{% assign: rider_image3 = "" %}
{{ ------------END THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}
{% for page in pages.all %}
{% if page.name contains '-team-' %}
{{ page.name | remove: '-team-' }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}