-both- About

{{ ------------BEGIN THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}

{% assign: about_title = "Welcome to Bozwreck" %}
{% assign: about_text = "Good times. Snow. Friends. A trainwreck that you want to be a part of. BozWreck, coming off a four-year hiatus, has reared its ugly, cult-followed head again, lead by the lifestyle aesthetic of its co-founders Matty Ryan and Nate Bozung. Working alongside Curt Everitt, a Brooklyn-based graphic designer, and Jon Francis of Gnarly Clothing, a full line of boards (including a pro model for Keegan Valaika) is set to give BozWreck their much-anticipated revival." %}
{% assign: about_image = "http://i.imgur.com/cOtyyal.jpg" %}

{{ ------------END THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS------------ }}

{{ about_title }}

{{ about_text }}